Nia Offers Real Hair Stories with Play!

Nia is here to help other girls learn and discover the power of their coils just like her!!

Along with The God Created Me Coily Children's book young girls follow Nia, as she asks BIG questions about her hair – like, why is my hair coily and curly?

She will read our book, and become empowered by her identity. Then she's going to teach all her new friends how to wash, style and care for their coily hair through play!



I Loved it!

I Love Nia skin tone, and her beautiful hair!! Thank you Coil Beauty,

Always Recommended!

Nia was a best gift for my daughter she absolutely love her and so do I! So happy with our purchase!😊

Best Shop Ever!

Elena loves Nia! She is her BFF and he’s everywhere she does. So awesome!